
Hair and Beauty

Persona File and Presentation Folder
Persona File and Presentation Folder

 I led creative design at Persona Group for 11 years, shaping its visual identity across various mediums and significantly contributing to its growth and success.



As the Head of DTP at Persona Group for 11 years, I have overseen a wide range of creative design projects, including flyers, stationery, print designs, menus, brochures, and other graphic needs. My role has been pivotal in shaping the visual identity of Persona, ensuring that every piece of communication reflects the brand’s commitment to quality and innovation..

Persona, a trailblazer in beauty services in Bangladesh since 1998, has grown exponentially over 26 years, serving over 100 million customers through 11 ladies’ and 6 men’s outlets, and extending its expertise to Persona Health, Persona Academy, Spring Spa, and Canvas Magazine..

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