The new logo and theme were successfully launched at the start of the BPL 3rd edition, receiving positive feedback and enhancing brand recognition. 

The Story The Comilla Victorians won the championship in their debut season, reinforcing the effectiveness of the branding strategy.

Transformation of This Logo after win
Transformation of This Logo after win

Design Process

You can You can explore the process of creating the visuals, starting with the initial concepts, developing the layout, and then combining typography and identity to create a cohesive brand image.

Comilla Victorian Logo
Comilla Victorian Logo
Thematic Backdrop
Thematic Backdrop

Design Objectives

The primary goals were to create a distinctive logo, develop a cohesive theme, and design various accessories to build a recognizable brand that resonated with fans and represented the team’s values and aspirations.As a designer, the aim was to craft a clever and colorful logo, incorporating imagery related to nature in a subtle way, allowing observers to interpret the shapes creatively. The design process involved highlighting two visually intriguing aspects: using illustrations to evoke a fresh perspective and making color schemes stand out with clever combinations.

“Obvious” is subjective in visual arts.Who doesn’t appreciate a good color scheme or enjoy discovering shapes and art simultaneously? Based in Cyprus, Afroditi is a young, highly talented designer, ready to create fresh and innovative designs for agencies and projects worldwide.


The new logo and theme were successfully launched at the start of the BPL 3rd edition, receiving positive feedback and enhancing brand recognition. The Comilla Victorians won the championship in their debut season, reinforcing the effectiveness of the branding strategy.

Popup Banner
Thematic Popup Banner

The harder the project, the greater the happiness when solutions arrive.

Comilla Victorians Team Jersey, Cap and Wrist Band
Comilla Victorians Team Jersey, Cap and Wrist Band

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